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Join Our Efforts


Why Should Blacks Get Involved in the Cannabis Industry

  • Opportunity in the form of good paying, fulltime jobs with benefits that can help lift many in Black communities who desperately are in most need of significant help and economic revitalization
  • Opportunity in the form of multiple investment options for those interested in earning a stake in a nationwide industry that is now forecasted to grow in excess of $30 BILLION in sales over the next five years
  • Opportunity in the form of creative, self-determined community investment of increased state tax revenues that will be generated by Virginia’s rapidly growing cannabis industry
  • Opportunity in the form of new options for persons who have been caught in Virginia’s dragnet of unfair laws related to cannabis thereby resulting in so many destroyed lives, families, communities, and futures
  • Opportunity in the form of brighter outcomes for Black children in helping to ensure their parents can better provide for their care and prosperous upbringing

Our Primary Goals as Virginia Continues Formation of its Cannabis Industry

  • Upfront Openness: Full Transparency by Politicians and Entrenched Bureaucrats
  • Fairness: In Having A “Seat at the Table” That Allows Direct Input in the Process
  • Social Justice Equity: Quantifiable Objectives for the Early Inclusion of Black Community Leaders Entrepreneurs and Investors
  • Social Justice Equity: In Terms of Fulltime, Career-Oriented Employment Opportunities that Uplifts Families and Communities
  • Social Justice Equity: Fair Investment of Virginia’s Future Cannabis-Related Tax Revenues
  • Social Justice Equity: By Helping to Foster New Levels of Community Self-Determination
  • Social Justice Equity/Fairness: In Addressing the Needs of Returning Citizens